Farewell Wishes for Work Colleagues

Many colleagues become friends and when they leave the company they work for, it is an unpleasant situation for most people. That's why it's a nice idea to write a few nice words to say goodbye to your colleague. For this purpose, farewell wishes for colleagues are provided here free of charge. They are suitable as greetings in a greeting card or as saying goodbye in a covering letter or an email. The many farewell pictures can be used on Facebook or WhatsApp to say goodbye to a dear colleague. Every single entry can be rated by the reader, so that the number of "thumbs up" and "thumbs down" values can indicate whether a saying or a farewell picture is well received or not. Another way to use these short farewell sayings is to give a speech at a small farewell party or in the form of a letter or card as part of a farewell gift.

Pictures to say Goodbye to colleagues

A picture can be sent as a farewell greeting from a work colleague via WhatsApp. The following pictures each show a suitable motif that either makes you think or represents a scene or illustration from the office. On each image there are funny or hearty short texts, sayings and quotations to be read, which should wish the recipient all the best. At the same time one can express with these pictures that one will miss the work colleagues, whom one sends this message. Also these pictures are free for the non-commercial use and may be used gladly for own messages to dear people.

WhatsApp Goodbye Wishes

364 477
WhatsApp Goodbye Wishes

With this picture you can say goodbye to a dear work colleague. It is particularly suitable when it is not yet quite clear which career path he would like to pursue in the future. But it is also a nice picture for other situations, because it wishes the colleague all the best, no matter in which direction he will move.

Fareweel to Work Colleague

341 321
Fareweel to Work Colleague

This picture illustrates the leaving of a work colleague from the company with game tokens. It looks a little melancholic how the little red items are left behind, while the black items looks for a new way.

Goodbye from Department

353 355
Goodbye from Department

This goodbye wish contains a longer text. The department wishes lots of success for the further career path. Additionally, they say thanks you for always being such a nice and helpful colleague.

Goodbye wishes because of new job

If a colleague changes jobs because he or she has a different proferssional orientation or a better offer from another company, then this is a positive experience for him or her and you can choose different formulations than if the farewell was not voluntary. So here are a few greetings for the farewell in the list, which support the good mood of the colleague and congratulate him on the task ahead. As a rule, these are warm congratulations on the new job, but some texts also express the sadness of those who remain. The sayings are suitable both for man and for women, so that one can select simply the at best suitable entry for the own farewell greetings.

332 366
I wish you all the best for your new job and all the success you wish for. We will miss you in any case and would be happy if you think of us from time to time and send us a message about how you are doing.
336 336
We wish you much success at your new place of work. But we have to point out the fact that you will never find such nice colleagues like us again.
313 335
The whole department wants to say goodbye to you. You were not only a dear colleague, but also a good friend to us. We will miss you both at work and during breaks.
349 332
A proverb says, you're not supposed to stop travelers, but in your case, we'd love to. You've always done a good job here, you've always been helpful and friendly to the other staff and you've always stood by us with words and deeds. We will miss you.
419 332
I envy you a little for your great new job. I'm sure you'll be very enthusiastic about the new company, because you're just a smart guy and a great colleague. Good luck!
375 351
A new job also represents a new phase in your life in which you can start all over again and do everything better that has not gone so well so far. I wish you all the luck in the world for your new job.
554 546
You will now start a new job, but you will certainly still be here in some way, because we will miss you here. Without you it will certainly be quite boring here.
338 339
On behalf of the entire department, I wish you every success in your new role. We very much regret that they are leaving us. They are not easy to replace because they have done important work and concentrated a lot of knowledge. We will miss them in many ways.
332 347
The whole group wishes you all the best for your new job. We would be happy if you would visit us occasionally and tell us how you are doing in your new environment.
380 420
We wish you every success in your new challenge. We are a little sad that you are leaving us, but we are happy for you that you have a new, motivating task ahead of you.

Goodbye from the office

259 348
Goodbye from the office

A man whose head is not visible wears a suit and holds a sign in front of the camera saying that his colleagues will miss the recipient of the message in the office. This makes the picture particularly suitable for saying goodbye to colleagues at a workplace in the office.

Farewell wishes in case of layoffs

If an employment relationship is terminated, the reason for the recipient of the sayings of farewell is rather a sad one. Therefore the formulations of such messages differ partially clearly from the congratulations for a job change selected by itself. With these parting sayings one expresses that one wishes nevertheless much success for the future. There are thus encouraging, in addition, motivating sayings under it. Such a dismissal must not have been decided on basis of the achievement of the employee, but can have also organizational or strategic causes. For example, a temporary contract can expire or a department can be closed completely.

296 337
I'm really sorry you're gonna leave us. I can't understand the decision and will miss you very much.
373 324
You've always been a productive and really nice colleague from whom I've learned a lot. I am sure that you will quickly find a new job and perform as well as here.
537 535
We wish you all the happiness in the world for your professional future. We will miss you both professionally and personally.
330 342
Sometimes the world is quite unfair - I am really sad that you are not going to stay with us as a colleague. I wish you good luck for the next job and hope that you think of us and write me how you are doing.
334 350
You have always been an important team member and without you we lose an important work colleague. Unfortunately, we have no influence on the decision not to extend temporary contracts. We hope that you will remember us as well as we do you.
324 395
We would like to thank you for your great work in the past years and regret very much that you are leaving us now. We hope you will find a great employer who appreciates your talents and reliability.
320 726
Too bad you have to leave. Without you the work here will be half as much fun and twice as long. I will certainly miss you often.
366 333
We hope that you will not forget us and that you will learn as much from us as we did from you. We wish you all the best for your future career.
573 328
Unfortunately you have to leave us today, but we will miss your rousing nature, your positive attitude and your unstoppable enthusiasm. We wish you all the best for the future.

Goodbye from employee

346 335
Goodbye from employee

This picture shows a wing of an airplane and was apparently taken during the flight by a passenger. It symbolizes leaving the company. Next to it there is a rather formal saying to say goodbye to an employee, but it is warmly formulated.

Farewell sayings for employee

The previous farewell speeches for colleagues are all formulated in such a way that they are sent by colleagues. But a company should also say goodbye to employees who are looking for new challenges for various reasons. That's why in this paragraph there are slogans for employees to leave the company, which can be ideally integrated into a cover letter, but can also be sent in the form of an email. These short texts are rather formal and polite. They are suitable for female and male employees.

330 354
We would like to thank them for their successful work in our company and wish you all the best for their future career.
329 321
You have done valuable work for us for many years and made a significant contribution to the success of our company. We would like to express our sincere thanks to them for this outstanding performance.
399 348
With regret we had to accept that you would like to leave our company. We wish you every success in their new challenges and hope they will remember us well.
369 324
Thank you very much for the dedication you have shown in the years you have worked for our company. We will miss you as employees and as colleagues.
319 329
We wish you good luck for their professional future and the new challenge you are facing now. Many thanks for your good work during your tenure.
330 348
It's a pity that you are leaving us today, because the time spent together in our department was very successful and fun. We understand that you want to change your career and are looking for a new job. We wish you every success.
383 352
Together we celebrated some successes and only had to cope with a few setbacks. Unfortunately our cooperation ends today. We wish you all the best for the future.
333 326
Sometimes you have to grab new opportunities in life. That is what you have done and unfortunately we have to say goodbye to you today. We regret your decision, but wish you good luck.
333 335
We were impressed by both your professional competence and your collegial way of working. That is why we very much regret that you are leaving us today. We wish you every success in you live.

Funny picture with farewell wishes for colleagues

307 332
Funny picture with farewell wishes for colleagues

"Sometimes you have to finish something in order to take a new chance" - this message can be seen on the funny picture with a farewell speech. The elephant leaves the scene and is shown from behind. This symbolizes the departure of the colleague.

Funny Goodbye Wishes for Colleagues

Of course, it is not a joyful occasion when a valued colleague or valuable employee leaves a company or a department. Nevertheless, funny farewell wishes are a popular option if you want to say goodbye to someone. With a funny saying the mood can be lifted a bit. You can send these funny sayings with a WhatsApp farewell message, but you can also write the short texts on a farewell card. Such a card should be signed by all colleagues the colleague has worked with.

323 330
On the face of it, we wish you every success in your new job. We hope that they will fire you and that you will come back to us.
357 347
Today will probably change our work together in this office, but the memory of your bad jokes will always stay with us. So long!
334 321
Actually, we thought we couldn't be surprised by you anymore, but the fact that you are leaving us knocked us over. Good luck with your new job!
334 325
It won't be the same without you. Now we might finally get the job done!
327 316
Some people bring joy wherever they go. Other people bring joy when they go. You can think about which group you belong to.
325 349
It hurts so much to see a dear colleague go to work. Especially one who always lent me money for lunch.
310 406
So far, I could always blame you if something went wrong. What should I do now without you?
349 348
We wish you much success for your professional future, but if something goes wrong, you are welcome to come back.

Inspirational goodbye saying

309 340
Inspirational goodbye saying

This saying is somewhat inspirational. You can say goodbye to a nice colleague. A little sadness is to be taken from the lines.

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