Easter Wishes and Sayings

At Easter you wish your friends, family and other dear people a wonderful time. Easter is also at the beginning of spring and the first warm days spread good spirits and a desire for summer. Kids are out of school at Easter. Iff offers a chance for some free days with the whole famiky. You may do activities like trips to amusement parks oder walks in the sun in nature. At the same time the Easter holidays are often planned for the first holiday trip of the year and children can pursue their hobbies for two weeks. So the Easter time offers everyone an opportunity to take a few days off, relax and have fun. It is a nice gesture to send Easter greetings and to spread a good mood.

Easter wishes on pictures

The smartphone is an ideal way to send Easter wishes. With WhatsApp, you can quickly and easily send a nice picture with an Easter greeting to groups or individuals, or use Instagram to wish your followers and friends a happy Easter. On TikTok you can also use these Easter pictures to send Easter wishes to friends online or, for the older generation, leave a message in your timeline via Facebook. The following pictures are easily shared on all these platforms and can be used to send greetings.

WhatsApp Happy Easter Wish

248 248
WhatsApp Happy Easter Wish

On this picture you can see the ears of a hare in the high grass. As you can see almost nothing else of this animal, it is an amusing photo that immediately catches the eye and is therefore ideal as an Easter greeting via WhatsApp. Above the rabbit's ears you can read a saying to wish you sunny holidays and good rest. At the upper top boundary of the picture you can read the concise saying "Happy Easter" in big letters. Altogether this is a very modern picture with Easter greetings, which is suitable for work colleagues, for friends and for the family group.

Instagram Easter Wishes

279 261
Instagram Easter Wishes

This image shows a big white rabbit in comic style, wishing you Happy Easter. On the sky-blue background, the large logo "Happy Easter" is written in white letters, as well as a nice saying wishing all readers of the news a weekend full of sun and good mood. The image is perfect as an Easter greeting on Instagram. It will certainly bring joy to your followers.

Sweet Easter Wishes for Friends in School

287 252
Sweet Easter Wishes for Friends in School

This cute picture shows two little bunnies hugging and cuddling each other a little. The colourful eggs in the grass on the spring meadow make it clear that this is an Easter scene. On the picture you can read a greeting with which you wish the recipient of the message many delicious eggs and chocolate bunnies and that he should have a lot of fun during the Easter holidays. So it is clear that this picture is about Easter greetings for school friends or other friends in their youth. Especially girls will like this cute motive very much.

Funny Easter Wishes

With funny greetings at Easter you can bring a smile to the face of the recipient of the wishes. Therefore funny Easter wishes are especially popular and with a good saying you can make an impression. Of course, it is important that the greeting is stylish but still amusing. A small selection of funny Easter wishes can be found in this section. All texts and greetings on this website are free for personal, non-commercial use.

272 249
Happy Easter! If you're looking for and finding Easter eggs today, you'd better think twice if this mite be a leftover from last year, before you bite into them.
272 262
The contest for Easter this year is: Who has the fattest eggs! Believe me, I'm up front for sure.
313 272
Even if you always wonder how the Easter bunny manages to make colourful eggs and since when have bunnies been laying eggs at all, I wish you a happy Easter and many delicious chocolate eggs.
258 261
My chocolate Easter bunny is bigger than your chocolate Easter bunny - bang! I wish you a happy Easter despite this shattering defeat!
271 245
I wish you all a happy Easter and that this year you find all the eggs in the garden and don't step on them again while mowing the lawn!
271 264
Do everything at Easter that I would not dare do - that leaves many chances for a successful time
242 269
I confess that I am guilty of always biting off the heads of numerous chocolate bunnies at Easter - even though I am a vegetarian!
422 287
Jesus Christ has risen from the dead so that he can slap your fingers when you steal my chocolate eggs again!
308 280
Why are Easter eggs colorfully painted? Because it's easier than papering them!
300 297
How can you catch an Easter bunny? The easiest way is to hide in a bush and make sounds like a carrot.

Funny Easter Wish Image

290 271
Funny Easter Wish Image

This picture shows an Easter nest full of colourful Easter eggs. Next to it you can read a funny saying with greetings for Easter: "I wish you all a happy Easter and many colourful eggs. I hope you don't find the ones from last year - they might not be very tasty now". This funny Easter greeting is mainly addressed to your own family or to a group of friends or colleagues to whom you want to send a funny message.

Easter Wishes for Kids

For children, Easter is especially fun and enjoyable, as they can search for hidden eggs and Easter bunnies, and parents take plenty of time for joint excursions, walks and other activities. In addition, children get little presents at Easter and everyone is in a good mood because spring also brings sunshine and everything in the garden turns green, the first plants stick out their heads and birds chirp happily. For this reason, it is a nice idea to send your godchild, other children and friends of your own son or daughter a lovely Easter greeting. You can find some examples of this here.

298 292
I wish you a great Easter with your parents and a sunny Easter weekend with excursions and lots of games. Have fun!
293 267
Hello my little darling, I wish you a great Easter and many delicious chocolate eggs and little surprises.
318 269
Many great presents, delicious chocolate and lots of playing with mum and dad I wish you for Easter.
298 267
All the best for Easter wishes you grandma and grandpa with all their heart. I wish you this time to find all the hidden Easter nests!
269 274
As a child I always wondered who came up with the strange idea that rabbits brings coloured eggs at Easter. But I resigned myself to it and just ate them up.
304 271
For days I lay in wait to see this strange rabbit that is said to be hiding eggs in the garden. At some point I gave up and simply enjoyed Easter.
295 261
Happy Easter to you, my little rabbit. Have a good time and eat lots of delicious chocolate bunnies.
288 278
I wish you lots of fun in the Easter holidays with your friends and that spring brings you lots of sun. Happy Easter!
301 262
No school and no work, being able to play outside for many hours and meet up with friends - as good as you I would like to have it again sometime. I am jealous!
355 338
At Easter I wish you lots of delicious chocolate, one or the other coloured egg and that you and your family go on many great outings.

Kids Easter Wishes Image

290 296
Kids Easter Wishes Image

If you want to wish your nephew or niece, grandchild or any other child happy Easter, you will choose this laughing rabbit on the flower meadow as a motif, because all children will love him. With the saying you wish happy holidays and fun with your loved ones and that you should eat a lot of chocolate. The colourful flowers bring a cheerful atmosphere to the scene and the rabbit looks so funny that you catch yourself with a grin on your face when you look at him.

Easter Wishes for Grandma and Grandpa

At Easter, you send your grandparents nice and warm Easter greetings either by mobile phone, if they know how to use it, or in the classic form of a greeting card. For both possibilities you will find the appropriate Easter greeting in the form of a picture or a short saying. There are both warm greetings and Christian wishes for Easter, because after all, Easter is the highest ecclesiastical event of the year. For many believers, Easter means above all a remembrance of the resurrection of Jesus, so Christian Easter greetings are very welcome. But there are also simply dear wishes for the grandparents who are not so faithful.

273 276
Hello grandma, hello grandpa - I wish you a great Easter and that you both can enjoy the first days of spring as much as we do. Have a lot of fun!
277 254
I wish you all the best for Easter and a few nice warm days full of happiness and satisfaction.
300 241
I wish the best grandma in the world the most beautiful Easter holidays the world has ever seen. Relax and enjoy the first sunrays of the year!
273 282
Happy Easter, Grandma! You are simply the best and today I want to thank you for always being there for me when I need help. I hug you and wish you a happy Easter weekend.
283 272
Hello mum, I wish you all the best for Easter and a beautiful weekend full of sun and joy. I think of you and wish you health, joy and much love.
288 279
Enjoy the holidays and just have a good time, grandma and grandpa! I think of you and wish you a relaxing Easter.
315 288
I wish you at Easter that God will continue to keep a watchful eye on you and protect you when something threatens you. Stay healthy and happy and spend some relaxing holidays.
285 283
Easter is a good opportunity to reflect on our lives, to set new goals and to find new courage. May God always be a help to you in this.
284 272
At Easter, Jesus Christ was resurrected to be reconciled with us human beings. I wish you that He continues to be your constant companion in all situations of life, giving you strength and confidence.
280 286
We see the miracle of resurrection at Easter in every bud, in every new shoot and in ourselves, when we feel joy and energy again in spring. I wish you a happy Easter!

Christian Easter Wishes

283 298
Christian Easter Wishes

With this picture one can wish happy Easter to especially believing people, because after all it is the most important Christian event of the year. Some crosses can be seen, above which the saying is written that God should accompany you on all your ways and always look after you. The sender wishes the receiver a blessed Easter.

Easter Greetings for Friends

Of course, you also want to wish your friends a happy Easter, especially if you do not do anything together with them on Easter. Therefore, here are some Easter wishes for good friends or for the best friend, which will surely go down well with every recipient. There are dear, warm and fun, cheeky sayings, but they are always meant kindly. They can be used as a message in a WhatsApp group, but also in chat or on web pages, as a greeting in an online game, or for other forms of sending greetings online or in the real world. All sayings, pictures and texts are free of charge.

302 258
Hello dear ones, I wish you some nice sunny days at Easter and that you can enjoy every free minute of this weekend. Have a lot of fun and let it all go well for you!
258 264
All the best for Easter I wish you all! Everywhere new life is now emerging, new blossoms and new joy comes into the hearts. Enjoy this feeling and relax during the holidays.
285 271
May Easter bring colour, brightness, joy and of course lots of chocolate eggs to your life.
261 284
I hope you spend a wonderful and joyful Easter, surrounded by those you love and who mean a lot to you.
266 262
Be blessed, stay happy and have a wonderful Easter!
297 276
May all the blessings, love and happiness rain down upon you and your loved ones. Happy Easter!
261 373
I wish you all the love and joy that this season brings. Happy Easter!
288 265
Happy Easter to you. May all your deepest, dearest wishes come true!
238 242
Easter is a fantastic opportunity to do something with your family that you have been putting off for a long time and for which there were always good reasons not to do it now. Make your loved ones happy and spend a lot of time together.
258 262
I wish you a great Easter full of sun, joy and chocolate! Have a good time and relax from the stressful everyday life. The holidays are a great way to slow down.

Nice and Sweet little bunny brings easter wishes

270 246
Nice and Sweet little bunny brings easter wishes

This young bunny sits on a spring meadow in front of colourful eggs and brings a sweet greeting to a dear person for the upcoming Easter. With this saying you convey your best wishes for the next days and you can give your friends a lot of joy.

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